Why We Must Humble Ourselves

Why We Must Humble Ourselves

God is pretty clear in his scriptures about his thoughts on pridefulness and humility; he leaves no room for the former but he loves and graciously provides the latter for his children. Psalm 138 says: “Though the LORD is on high, He attends to the lowly; but the...
This Is The Real Work

This Is The Real Work

Wendell Berry is one of my favorite authors and poets. His poem “The Real Work” struck me recently as particularly wise for our time. It reads in its entirety: It may be that when we no longer know what to do we have come to our real work, and that when we no longer...
This Is The Real Work

A Deeper Look At The Heart

I have been thinking a lot about the heart lately. Not the four-chambered muscle working around the clock to keep us alive, but the heart in the biblical sense, as the seat of our emotions and desires. Our truest selves. The youest you. The Bible has a lot to say...