Will you partner with us to impact a life this Christmas?
Family Adoption is about giving a family more than just a gift under the tree. By sharing the love of Jesus with them, we are giving them the lifelong gift of hope.
At the beginning of this year, we kicked off our Love Does campaign. No doubt you’ve heard the stories and the ripple effects caused by this movement of faith. We equipped you and encouraged you to go out and find someone in need and bless them. Now we are inviting you to do that once more.
We want to empower and equip you to adopt this family and build a relationship with them. This year’s Family Adoption is being approached in a whole new way, and we are so excited to share this with you!
If you don’t know of a family in need, we can provide you with an “Adoption Packet.” There are many families in need right here in the Woodbridge area; we have hundreds of people who request help every year and we can help connect you with a family in need.
If you know of a family in need, we would like you to bring them to our attention. Some of us can instantly think of a family in need, and others may need to search a little (at work, in our neighborhood, at our children’s school).
Email Us to Adopt a Family or With Any Questions
Take these Steps to Adopt a Family this year:
- Step One: Pray.
Ask God to open your eyes to those in need around us. - Step Two: Seek.
As you go about your daily living, look for a person or family to reach out to.
Please let us know if we can assist you by providing an “Adoption Packet” - Step Three: Introduce yourself.
Get to know them. Invite them to coffee. Ask about their life. Pray with them. Find out how you can assist them this Christmas season. - Step Four: Registration.
Visit the table in the back of the worship center on Sunday morning between now and December 8th to fill out a registration form. - Step Five: Live life together.
Continue building your relationship with your adopted family. Go do things with your family. Invite them to a meal. Play games with their children, etc. - Step Six: Shop for them at our Toy Bin Distribution Day.
We will have our Toys for Tots items available on December 11th and 12th for you to come pick out gifts for the children in your adopted family. - Step Seven: Invite them to the Jingle Jam Christmas Party.
Our Jingle Jam Family Christmas Party will be on December 13th. This is when they will receive the toys for their children. We will have a special programming and it will be an incredibly fun event for everyone! - Step Eight: Continue your new friendship.
You have the power to impact lives by your story.
Email Us to Adopt a Family or With Any Questions
Join us as we seek to build relationships and impact our community with the love of Jesus.