40 Days of Community

40 Days of Community

Our church is excited to come together this September for a 40 Days of Community church wide study! We will kickoff this event on Sept 17th, so be sure to join a Community Group if you haven’t already. We invite the whole church to participate in this study...
Join Us For 40 Days Of Prayer

Join Us For 40 Days Of Prayer

Life doesn’t always go as planned. At some point, you’ll face impossible obstacles and barriers — situations that make you think there’s no way this is going to work out. But God wants to help you handle uncertainty when it comes your way. He is ready and willing to...
Life After Easter

Life After Easter

Every year we partake in the same holy rituals of Lent and Easter. We spend forty days preparing our hearts and quieting our minds for the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. We fast and meditate on our depravity, our inability to save ourselves. And then Easter...
Life After Easter

My Sheep Hear My Voice

There is a somewhat obscure Christian book trilogy for kids called Tales of the Kingdom by David and Karen Mains. The whole story is an extended allegory of the broken world we live in and the true king’s plan to one day redeem his people. At the center of the...
The Heart of the Gospel

The Heart of the Gospel

A couple of weeks ago, our family brought home a puppy. He’s a wrinkly little hound dog who wants to spend all day licking your ears and biting your clothes and generally making a very cute nuisance of himself. We adore him. But we have also picked up on the reason...