Discipleship Groups

What is a D-Group?

Discipleship Groups (D-Groups) are gender-specific, closed groups of 3-5 believers who meet together regularly for the purpose of accelerated spiritual growth and multiplication.

D-Groups help provide an environment for believers to have close friendships, experience care and accountability, and most importantly, a life rooted deeply in God’s Word. It is a highly relational and committed group of believers who desire a deeper walk with Christ.

Through Bible study, scripture memorization, mutual accountability, and dedicated prayer, D-Group members help each other become more like Jesus, with the ultimate goal of making disciples who make disciples.

Start a D-Group

Discipleship Groups usually form through pre-existing, meaningful relationships with other believers in environments like Community Groups or Volunteer Teams. However, we can also assist in connecting you with others who are eager to deepen their discipleship journey.

If you would like to start a D-Group or get connected with others seeking to start a D-Group, use the button below to let us know.

What is the Commitment?
  • Meet weekly as a D-Group (60-90 minutes).
    When unable, you will stay involved through sharing H.E.A.R. Journals and prayer requests.
  • Commit to the five weekly disciplines
    (Bible Reading, H.E.A.R. Journals, Scripture Memory, Accountability, and Prayer)
  • Contribute to a group atmosphere of confidentiality, honesty, and transparency.
  • Pray weekly for the other D-Group members and those in your life who don’t know Jesus.
  • Pray and look for others in your life who you can invite into a new D-Group once this current group multiplies.
  • Give yourself fully to the Lord during this time as you anticipate a season of accelerated spiritual transformation.
Sample D-Group Meeting

Spend the first ten minutes catching up. If you want, you can be more structured in this time and have each person share his or her “high” and “low” of the week.


After everyone quotes the week’s memory verse, ask, “As you meditated on this verse, what stood out to you?” We want to hide
God’s Word in our heart, not just be able to recite it.


As you share H.E.A.R. Journals, a great question to ask is, “Which of your H.E.A.R. Journals stood out the most to you this week and what are you doing about it?”


In addition to our H.E.A.R. Journal question, choose a few accountability questions to discuss with your group.


Finish the time by having each person share something specific the group can pray for.


We would love to answer any questions you have about our groups. Feel free to contact us any time through the link below.