We still had another $50. So, this morning we talked again and decided to give the rest to an organization that has been in our hearts for a long time: The Timothy Initiative. These guys go to countries where it’s no even safe to go as tourists and train local Christians to be church planters. They have planted almost 28000 churches in countries like India, Pakistan, China, Nigeria, Mali, etc. The only thing stopping TTI from having a greater number of reproducing church plants is resources!! Right now they have a Matching Gift offer on the table, that means if they can raise $125,000 they will receive another $125,000 for a total of $250,000 to use for training church planters. The bulk of these funds will go towards West Africa, especially northern Nigeria, where the Al Queda affiliate Boco Haram is active. If you follow the news you are aware that Christ followers – our Brothers and Sisters – are being slaughtered there on an almost daily basis. So, we gave the $50.00 left to TTI. www.ttionline.org/#
We pray for our Lord Jesus to multiply this offering and to provide them and us with resources to humbly contribute in advancing His Kingdom. Thank you HHC!!